Název služby
Rodinná asistence
Služby sociální prevenceSociálně aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi
Forma poskytování služby
Terénní a ambulantní se specifikací, kde je která poskytována - viz níže.
Zařízení poskytovatele
Rodinná asistence
U Rybníka 1568/4, Bruntál 792 01
telefon: | 733 535 580, 733 535 588 |
e-mail: | helpinops@atlas.cz |
web: | www.help-in.cz |
Vedoucí zařízení
Mgr. Jana Hančilová
Název poskytovatele
Help-in, o.p.s.
Adresa poskytovatele
U Rybníka 1568/4, Bruntál 792 01
Komu je služba určena
Děti, mládež a rodina
Děti a rodiče dětí, kteří jsou v evidenci oddělení sociálně právní ochrany dětí městského úřadu a zároveň rodiny, které o službu projeví zájem a v registru oddělení sociálně právní ochrany dětí městského úřadu nejsou.
Věková kategorie
Rodiny s dětmi (0 – 18 let)
Provozní doba
Ambulantní provozní dobapondělí: | Zavřeno |
úterý: | Zavřeno |
středa: | 12:30 - 17:00 |
čtvrtek: | Zavřeno |
pátek: | Zavřeno |
sobota: | Zavřeno |
neděle: | Zavřeno |
pondělí: | 07:00 - 12:00, 12:30 - 15:30 |
úterý: | 07:00 - 12:00, 12:30 - 17:00 |
středa: | 07:00 - 12:00, 12:30 - 15:30 |
čtvrtek: | 07:00 - 12:00, 12:30 - 17:00 |
pátek: | 07:00 - 13:00 |
sobota: | Zavřeno |
neděle: | Zavřeno |
Ostatní informace
Terénní služba:
V místě bydliště rodiny, v širším společenském prostředí – škola atd., na území, pro které MěÚ Bruntál vykonává rozšířenou působnost státní správy.
Ambulantní služba:
V sídle společnosti na adrese U Rybníka 4, Bruntál.
Stručná charakteristika - poslání a cíl služby:
Cílem terénní služby Rodinné asistence je minimalizovat počty dětí v ústavní výchově prostřednictvím stabilizace a obnovení funkčnosti v rodinách, ve kterých nařízení ústavní výchovy dítěte/dětí hrozí nebo zlepšit poměry v rodinách tak, aby mohla být ústavní výchova zrušena a dítě/děti se mohly vrátit zpět do svého přirozeného prostředí.
Poskytované činnosti
1) Pracovně výchovná činnost s dětmi a dospělými:
- Podpora při vedení a udržování domácností
- Pomoc při celkovém zlepšování péče o vlastní domácnost
- Pomoc při sestavení rozpočtových výdajů
- Podpora soběstačnosti
2) Pomoc při obnovení nebo upevnění kontaktu s rodinou:
- Podpora a nácvik rodičovského chování
- Upevňování pout mezi dětmi a rodiči – společné a smysluplné trávení volného času, společné aktivity
- Podpora v oblasti rodičovských schopností a dovedností
3) Pomoc při vyřizování běžných záležitostí:
- Praktický nácvik a zvládnutí činností do doby, než je klient schopen zvládnout situaci vlastními silami (správné vyplňování nejrůznějších úředních dokladů, praktický doprovod na úřady, poskytování rad ohledně návazné péče)
4) Zajištění podpory a podmínek pro vzdělávání dětí:
- Pomoc při doučování a přispění ke zlepšení školního prospěchu
- Pomoc při řešení výchovných problémů ve škole
- Dohled a pomoc při přípravě dětí na vyučování
5) Nácvik a upevňování motorických, psychických a sociálních dovedností dětí.
6) Zajištění podmínek pro společensky přijatelné volnočasové aktivity.
7) Doprovod dětí do školy, školských zařízené, k lékaři, na zájmové aktivity i zpět.
8) Socioterapeutické činnosti vedoucí k rozvoji nebo uchování osobních a sociálních schopností a dovedností podporujících sociální začleňování.
Doplňkové služby
Fakultativní činnosti:
- Volnočasové skupinové aktivity pro klienty a jejich děti, případně samostatné akce pro klienty a děti (workshopy, výlety, konference atd.).
- Pomoc při zlepšení a stabilizaci ekonomické situace v rodině. Finanční a dluhové poradenství.
Cena služby
Nové hodnocení
Digital business setups are evolving rapidly, offering a broad spectrum of opportunities and challenges. Entrepreneurs in this space must strategically consider the landscape’s complexities, particularly as they weigh sustainability, scalability, and long-term value. Here’s an authoritative breakdown: **The Sustainability of Digital Business Setups** Digital business setups often present an appealing "lean and fast" approach. However, the sustainability of these setups hinges on their ability to innovate continually, meet market demands, and manage costs effectively. A significant number of startups fail due to an over-reliance on trends without a strong foundation in market research, customer acquisition, and financial planning. **Digital Startups as Quick Wins or Hard Work** While digital startups might seem like a fast route to financial freedom, the reality is often the opposite. Establishing a digital business, especially one that differentiates itself in a crowded market, demands a strong work ethic, innovation, and resilience. Quick wins are rare, as successful digital businesses typically invest significantly in brand building, customer trust, and adapting to industry changes. **All-In-One Hosting: A Worthy Investment or a Trap?** All-in-one hosting solutions promise to consolidate essential business services under one roof, but this convenience often comes at a cost. Small businesses must weigh the potential trade-offs, such as higher fees, limited customization, or slower customer support. Those requiring specialized features may find modular solutions more suitable, even if they come with the inconvenience of managing multiple platforms. **SEO: Essential or an Expense to Skip?** SEO has evolved into an essential tool for online visibility, yet it’s a complex, ongoing investment. While some argue it may be overvalued for startups, it remains crucial for digital businesses aiming to attract organic traffic. Skipping SEO often means sacrificing competitive advantage, though businesses on a tight budget might initially benefit from low-cost strategies like content marketing and social media outreach. **Integrated Business Solutions: Efficiency or Complexity?** Integrated business solutions can streamline processes, allowing businesses to centralize data and improve team collaboration. However, this consolidation can also lead to increased complexity, particularly if the solutions lack flexibility or require extensive onboarding. Businesses must assess if the benefits of integration outweigh potential disruptions to established workflows. **The True Cost of Cheap Business Hosting** Cheap business hosting is appealing for budget-conscious startups, but it often comes with risks such as slow loading speeds, limited security features, and unreliable customer support. For digital businesses, where uptime and fast website performance are paramount, the hidden costs of cheap hosting can outweigh initial savings. **Digital Marketing vs. SEO: Which Offers the Best ROI?** While digital marketing and SEO both enhance brand visibility, they serve distinct roles. Digital marketing (especially paid campaigns) can deliver immediate results, while SEO is a slower but more sustainable strategy. The choice depends on business goals: paid marketing is effective for quick traction, while SEO lays the foundation for long-term, cost-effective customer acquisition. **Business Management Tools: Empowering or Detrimental?** Business management tools increase efficiency by automating processes and simplifying decision-making. However, over-reliance on these tools may create dependency, potentially hindering strategic thinking. Digital businesses must ensure that tools supplement rather than replace critical skills and insights. **Why So Many Digital Startups Fail Quickly** The failure rate among digital startups is high, often due to a lack of market validation, poor financial management, and insufficient understanding of customer needs. Successful startups are those that invest heavily in research, build adaptable business models, and are prepared to pivot based on market feedback. **Email Marketing: Engagement Tool or Brand Risk?** Email marketing remains a powerful, cost-effective way to engage audiences, but misuse can harm a brand. Over-communication or lack of personalization can alienate subscribers. A balanced approach, focusing on high-value content and respecting frequency preferences, enhances engagement without risking unsubscribe rates. **Hidden Fees in Business Hosting Services in India** In India, business hosting services may seem cost-effective initially but can carry hidden fees. Small businesses should scrutinize hosting contracts for extra costs related to backups, security, and scalability, which can increase expenses over time. Choosing reputable providers and clarifying service terms is key to avoiding unexpected costs. **The Decline of E-Business Hosting?** As cloud-based and hybrid hosting solutions evolve, traditional e-business hosting faces potential obsolescence. Many digital businesses find cloud hosting more adaptable, offering better scalability, integration options, and security. Traditional hosting remains an option for those prioritizing cost over flexibility, but cloud solutions are becoming the industry standard. **The Real Impact of Business Development Services on Startups** While business development services provide valuable support, they aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Startups should assess whether these services align with their growth stage and market. Customized support—tailored specifically to an industry or market—often yields better results than generic services. **Is Digital Marketing for Small Businesses Overvalued?** Digital marketing is essential for visibility, but for small businesses with limited budgets, the challenge is selecting the right tactics. Instead of broad marketing strategies, focusing on niche targeting and maximizing customer lifetime value can create more sustainable growth. **Email Marketing Missteps and Brand Risks** Email marketing is essential but requires a carefully managed approach. Too many emails can alienate customers, while a lack of personalization decreases impact. Businesses should strike a balance by delivering meaningful, relevant content and respecting subscriber preferences. **Are Traditional Business Phone Systems Still Relevant?** Traditional business phone systems are increasingly being replaced by VoIP and mobile-based solutions that offer flexibility and lower costs. Businesses should assess communication needs and choose systems that adapt to remote and digital operations without excessive overhead. **Complete Business Management Systems: Control or Chaos?** Complete management systems consolidate operations, which can improve control and transparency. However, integrating a complex system into an existing workflow can initially create chaos. Businesses should implement these systems in phases, allowing time for adjustment and minimizing disruption. **Does Business Integration Drive Growth?** Business integration aligns various functions, leading to smoother collaboration and decision-making. The true value of integration lies in its ability to break down departmental silos and improve response times. However, over-reliance on integration without specific business goals can dilute its benefits. **Is SEO Too Costly for Small Businesses?** SEO costs can be high, especially for competitive keywords, but investing in targeted, long-tail SEO strategies can drive cost-effective traffic. Skipping SEO altogether may limit growth, while focusing on smaller, niche keywords can achieve sustainable visibility. **Are Startup Support Services Valuable or Overrated?** Startup support services are crucial, particularly during early stages. However, not all services provide tangible benefits. Evaluating the specific support offered—such as mentorship, funding access, or networking opportunities—is essential to determine real value. **Spotting Reputable SEO Providers Amidst Scams** The SEO industry is rife with providers who make grand promises but deliver poor results. Look for transparent SEO providers who demonstrate proven strategies, avoid promising immediate results, and have a track record of success in the client’s industry. **Digital Marketing Courses: Do They Deliver Practical Knowledge?** Digital marketing courses offer insights but often lean toward theory over practice. Look for courses offering hands-on experience, case studies, and real-world tools that build applicable skills rather than just knowledge. **Managed Business Solutions: A Hidden Burden?** Managed business solutions streamline tasks but may impose unforeseen dependencies and expenses. Businesses should evaluate if managed solutions enhance operational efficiency or if they lead to excessive reliance on third-party control. **Is Email Marketing Losing Ground to Social Media?** Social media has certainly captured marketing focus, but email remains effective for direct, targeted engagement. Both channels should complement each other, with social media used to attract attention and email to nurture deeper relationships. **Do All-In-One Services Offer Value or Just High Prices?** All-in-one services can consolidate tools for convenience but may not justify their costs if the included features are not fully utilized. Assessing actual business needs against the features offered by such services ensures businesses pay only for what they truly need. **Is Business Management Tool Dependency a Problem?** While management tools increase productivity, over-dependency on them may stifle innovation. Businesses should use tools to enhance, not substitute, strategic thinking and ensure tools support a proactive business culture. **Digital Startups: Boom or Bust in 2025?** The digital startup landscape is projected to grow, but success hinges on adaptability and robust market strategies. Startups focusing on emerging tech and unique customer needs are more likely to thrive, while those following trends may struggle to sustain momentum. **Can Small Businesses Thrive Without Digital Marketing?** Small businesses can technically operate without digital marketing, but it limits reach and brand awareness. Low-cost digital strategies, like local SEO and social media engagement, can provide significant growth potential with minimal financial investment. **Is International Business Development Worth the Investment?** International business development opens new markets, but expansion costs and cultural differences pose challenges. Businesses should evaluate market entry costs, competition, and cultural nuances to ensure that the investment aligns with long-term goals.
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